Thursday 16 June 2011

A Drop Of Sunshine

Yellow is one of the biggest colour stories of the season and one that has many people running scared. The greatest thing about this colour, is that whether you like your brights or prefer your cooler and lighter shades, you can wear it. What has most people worried, is their skin tone, not too sure what shade to wear as you never do know when you’re just tanned enough to wear that beaming yellow skirt or not. However, there is a way to wear the colour without looking worn out…

It is the ultimate summer colour, reminiscent of the sun and the beach, not matter how you look at the colour you imagine the holiday you took and the days you bathed beneath the warmth of the sun. There are many ways to wear the colour and one I suggest you do. Even when you team the colour with a bold colour such a black, which, let’s face it is everyone’s safe colour you will look summery and feel it too.

If you’re scared of the colour go back to basics, such as a blazer or a t-shirt and use yellow as an accent colour of the chosen outfit. It will instantly make your outfit pop and you will be as fashion forward as you were yesterday.

Here are a few examples of how to wear yellow:

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